New features:
- #5882 : Introduce the dialog#selectPage event, replicating the OnDialogTabChange feature available in FCKeditor 2.
- #5927 : The native controls in ui.dialog.elements can be styled with the controlStyle definition.
Fixed issues:
- #1644 : Removed references to cursor:hand in the stylesheets.
- #5411 : Anchor, hidden fields and Page-Break objects can no longer be resized.
- #5456 : Initial focus incorect in api_dialog sample page.
- #5628 : Incorrect <pre> siblings merging.
- #5829 : Adding validation for start number field in list style dialog.
- #5845 : Context menu on empty list item loses selection.
- #5860 : [IE] > in attribute values are incorrectly escaped.
- #5905 : SCAYT is not any more enabled by default.
- #5736 : Improved the text generated for mailto: links if no text was selected.
- #4779 : Adjust resize_minWidth and resize_minHeight if smaller than actual dimensions.
- #5687 : Navigation through colors is now compatible with RTL.
- #4615 : [IE] Text fields are no longer disrupted in dialog with RTL.
- #5887 : The number of columns in the smileys table is now configurable via the smiley_columns setting.
- #5100 : It was possible to drag&drop some elements like context menu items or dropdown entries.
- #5933 : Text color and background color panels don't have scrollbars anymore under office2003 and v2 skins.
- #5943 : An error is no longer generated when using percent or pixel values in the image dialog.
- #5951 : Avoid problems with security systems due to the usage of UniversalXPConnect.
- #5441 : Avoid errors if the editor instance is removed from the DOM before calling its destroy() method.
- #4997 : Provide better access to the native input in the ui.dialog.file element.
- #5914 : Modified the Smileys dialog to make active only the images and not their borders.
- #5565 : The scrollbar does not behaves erratically when opening a rich combo in RTL page.
- #5843 : In CKEditor 3.3: When we set the focus in the 'instanceReady' event, FF3.6 is giving js error.
- #5902 : paste and pastetext dialogs cannot be skinned easily.
- #5959 : Dialog auto focus does not check for hidden tabs.
- #5415 : Undo not working when we change the Table Properties for the table on a saved page.
- #5435 : IE: we can't start Numbered/Bulleted list in Tables by Clicking on Insert/Remove Numbers/Bullets Icon.
- #5832 : The JQuery adapter sample is not working properly with SSL.
- #5728 : Text field & Upload Button in Upload Tab of Image Properties dialog are not shown Properly in Arabic.
- #5436 : IE: Cursor goes to next Table Cell after we insert a Smiley in the Table Cell.
- #5580 : Maximize does not work properly in the Office 2003 and V2 skins.
- #5495 : The link dialog was breaking the undo system on some situations.
- #5775 : Required field's label to contain a CSS class to allow it to be styled differently.
- #5999 : Table dialog rows and columns fields are now marked as required.
- #5693 : baseHref detection in the flash dialog now works correctly.
- #5690 : Table cell's width attribute is now respected properly.
- #5819 : Introducing the new removeFormatCleanup event and making sure remove format doesn't break the showborder plugin.
- #5558 : After pasting on WebKit based browsers the editor now scrolls to the end of the pasted content.
- #5799 : Correct plugin dependencies for the liststyle plugin with contextMenu and dialog.
- #5436 : IE: The cursor was moving to the wrong position when inserting inline elements at the end of cells on tables.
- #5984 : Firefox: CTRL+HOME was creating an unwanted empty paragraph at the start of the document.
- #5634 : IE: It was needed to click twice in the editor to make it editable on some situations.
- #5338 : Pasting from Open Office could lead on error.
- #5224 : Some invalid markup could break the editor.
- #5455 : It was not possible to remove formatting from pasted content on specific cases.
- #5735 : IE: The editor was having focus issues when the previous selection got hidden by scroll operations.
- #5563 : Firefox: The disableObjectResizing and disableNativeTableHandles settings stopped working.
- #5781 : Firefox: Editing was not possible in an empty document.
- #5293 : Firefox: Unwanted BR tags were being left in the editor output when it should be empty.
- #5280 : IE: Scrollbars where reacting improperly when clicking in the bar space.
- #5840 : Some dialog access keys are conflicting with "Ctrl + A", select all text behavior on text input.
- #6059 : Changing list type didn't preserve the list's attributes.
- #5193 : In Firefox, the element path options had the text cursor instead of the arrow.
- #6073 : The list context menu was showing the wrong option when in a mixed list hierarchy.
- #6074 : The Insert Table Column command was duplicating the selected column cells ids.
- #6066 : The toolbar combos had the text cursor instead of the arrow.
- #6062 : The toolbar buttons had the text cursor instead of the arrow.
- #6068 : [IE7] A few labels were hidden in a RTL language.
- #6000 : Safari and Chrome where scrolling the contents to the top when moving the focus to the editor.
- #6090 : IE: Textarea with selection inside causes Link dialog issues.
- #5079 : Page break in lists move to above the list when you switch from WYSIWYG to HTML mode and back.
- Updated the following language files:
Fixed issues:
- #5780 : Text selection lost when opening some of the dialogs.
- #5787 : Liststyle plugin wasn't packaged into the core (CKEDITOR.resourceManager.load exception).
- #5637 : Fix wrong nesting that generated "<head> must be a child of <html>" warning in Webkit.
- #5790 : Internal only attributes output on fullpage <html> tag.
- #5761 : [IE] Color dialog matrix buttons are barely clickable in quirks mode.
- #5759 : [IE] Clicking on the scrollbar and then on the host page causes error.
- #5772 : List style dialog is missing tab page ids.
- #5782 : [FF] Wysiwyg mode is broken by 'display' style changes on editor's parent DOM tree.
- #5801 : [IE] contentEditable="false" doesn't apply in effect on inline-elements.
- #5794 : Empty find matching twice results in JavaScript error.
- #5732 : If it isn't possible to connect to the SCAYT servers the dialogs might hang in Firefox. Fix for Firefox>=3.6.
- #5807 : [FF2] New page command results in uneditable document.
- #5807 : [FF2] SCAYT plugin is disabled in Firefox2 due to selection interference.
- #5772 : [IE] Some numbered list style types are not supported by IE6/7 and causes JavaScript error.
New features:
- #635 : The properties dialog will now open when double clicking on objects.
- #3893 : It's now possible to indent/outdent lists when selecting the first list item.
- #4968 : The contentsLangDirection setting now has a default value 'ui' which inherit language direction from the editor UI language.
- #4649 : The color picker dialog is now accessible.
- #3593 : The editing area is now enabled by contentEditable="true" instead of designMode="on" to allow creating uneditable content elements in all browsers.
- #4056 : Hidden fields will now be displayed as fake element just like in FCKeditor 2.
New features:
- The SCAYT spell checker is now enabled by default through the autoStartup setting.
- #5631 : The SCAYT context menu options can now be reorganized through the scayt_contextMenuItemsOrder setting.
- #4231 : Introducing the resize_dir setting, to be able to restrict manual resizing of the editor to only one direction (horizontal/vertical).
- #5479 : Introducing the classic ASP integration files and samples.
- #5024 : Added samples (HTML and XHTML) to show how to output HTML using fonts and other attributes instead of styles.
- #4358 : Introduced the List Properties dialog.
- #5485 : Adding the contentsLanguage configuration option to be able to set the language for the editor contents.
Fixed issues:
- #5330 : Corrected detection of CTRL and META keys in Macs for the context menu.
- #5434 : Fixed access denied issues with IE when accessing web sites through IPv6 IP addresses.
- #4476 : [IE] Inaccessible empty list item contains sub list.
- #4881 : [IE] Selection range broken because of cutting a single control type element from it.
- #5505 : Image dialog throw JavaScript error when click close dialog before preview area is loading.
- #5144 : [Chrome] Paste in Webkit sometimes leaves extra 'div' element.
- #5021 : [Firefox] Typing in empty document start from second line when enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR.
- #5416 : [IE] Delete table throws a error when enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR.
- #4459 : [IE] Select element is penetrating the maximized editor in IE6.
- #5559 : [IE] The first call to setData is affected by iframe cache when loading the wysiwyg mode.
- #5567 : [IE] Remove inline styles in some case doesn't join identical siblings.
- #5450 : [FireFox] Press ENTER on 'replace' button result wrong.
- #5121 : Recognizes the <br /> tag as a separator when apply block styles and enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR.
- #5575 : CKEDITOR.replaceAll should consider all kind of white spaces between class names.
- #5582 : Prevent the default behavior when click the 'x' button to close dialog box.
- #5584 : ENTER key with forceEnterMode turns on doesn't inherit current block attributes.
- #4797 : [Opera] Press ENTER key in dialog fields to close throws JavaScript error.
- #5578 : Add flash fake element align property when switch mode (source to wysiwyg).
- #5577 : Update delete column behavior when choose multiple cells in the same column.
- #5512 : Open context menu with SHIFT+F10 doesn't get correct editor selection.
- #5433 : English protocol text directions in Link dialog are not incorrect in 'rtl' UI languages.
- #5553 : Paste dialog clipboard area text direction is incorrect for 'rtl' content languages.
- #4734 : Font size resets when font name is changed in an empty numbered list.
- #5237 : English text in dialogs' title is flipped when using RTL language.
- #3257 : Create list doesn't keep blocks as headings.
- #5111 : [Firefox] JAWS doesn't respect PC cursor mode (application role) on toolbar.
- #5530 : Page break for printing can't be removed with undo.
- #5381 : Unable to place cursor between two paragraphs in body.
- #5568 : [IE6/7] Selecting a entire table cell changes the original range.
- #5623 : [Firefox] Apply style that edges another inline style result incorrect.
- #5586 : [Firefox] Maximize the second editor ruins full screen mode.
- #5617 : HTML filter system does not allow two 'text' filter rules.
- #5663 : General memory clean up after destroying last instance.
- #5461 : [IE] Fix Paste from Word dialog doesn't accept imput problem.
- #5676 : Make color buttons use RRGGBB instead of RGB for better compatibility with IE.
- #4948 : [Safari] Select the first/last cell of table to open context menu may lead to undetected table.
- #5591 : [Firefox] Select a list item makes selected element broken.
- #5667 : Pasting in a RTL page content causes shows up the horizontal scrollbar.
- #5688 : Duplicate ids are used in dialog definition.
- #5719 : [IE] 'change' dialog event should not be triggered when dialog is already closed.
- #5747 : [IE] Error thrown when IE input field editing mode is turned on.
- #5516 : IE8: Toolbar buttons have higher bottom padding.
- #5402 : SHIFT-ENTER could now be used to exit from preformat block.
- SCAYT plugin related:
- #4836 : Using SCAYT result in fragile elements when applying inline styles.
- #5425 : [Opera] Disable SCAYT plugin for Opera browser.
- #5632 : SCAYT word marker is not visible on text with background-color set.
- #4125 : Remove Format command incorrectly removes SCAYT word markers.
- #5671 : SCAYT bootstrap script could be added multiple times unnecessarily.
- #5573 : SCAYT move cursor position after insert element into marked word text.
- #5546 : SCAYT interferes with undo/redo commands.
- #5570 : [IE] First enabling SCAYT blind cursor in editor.
- #5741 : Enable SCAYT cause error in multiple editor instances.
- #5744 : Remove editor with SCAYT enabled in source mode throws error.
- Updated the following language files:
New features:
- #4478 : Enable the SelectAll command in source mode.
- #5150 : Allow names in the CKEDITOR.config.colorButton_colors setting.
- #4810 : Adding configuration option for image dialog preview area filling text.
- #536 : Object style now could be applied on any parent element of current selection.
#5290 : Unified stylesSet loading removing dependencies from the styles combo.
Now the configuration entry is named 'config.stylesSet' instead of config.stylesCombo_stylesSet and the default location
is under the 'styles' plugin instead of 'stylescombo'. - #5352 : Allow to define the stylesSet array in the config object for the editor.
- #5302 : Adding config option "forceEnterMode".
- #5216 : Extend CKEDITOR.appendTo to allow a data parameter for the initial value.
- #5024 : Added sample to show how to output XHTML and avoid deprecated tags.
Fixed issues:
- #5152 : Indentation using class attribute doesn't work properly.
- #4682 : It wasn't possible to edit block elements in IE that had styles like width, height or float.
- #4750 : Correcting default order of buttons layout in dialogs on Mac.
- #4932 : Fixed collapse button not clickable on simple toolbar.
- #5228 : Link dialog is automatically changes protocol when URLs that starts with '?'.
- #4877 : Fixed CKEditor displays source code in one long line (IE quirks mode + office2003 skin).
- #5132 : Apply inline style leaks into sibling words which are seperated spaces.
- #3599 : Background color style on sized text displayed as narrow band behind.
- #4661 : Translation missing in link dialog.
- #5240 : Flash alignment property is not presented visually on fake element.
- #4910 : Pasting in IE scrolls document to the end.
- #5041 : Table summary attribute can't be removed with dialog.
- #5124 : All inline styles cannot be applied on empty spaces.
- #3570 : SCAYT marker shouldn't appear inside elements path bar.
- #4553 : Dirty check result incorrect when editor document is empty.
- #4555 : Unreleased memory when editor is created and destroyed.
- #5118 : Arrow keys navigation in RTL languages is incorrect.
- #4721 : Remove attribute 'value' of checkbox in IE.
- #5278 : IE: Add validation to check for bad window names of popup window.
- #5171 : Dialogs contains lists don't have proper voice labels.
- #4791 : Can't place cursor inside a form that end with a checkbox/radio.
- #4479 : StylesCombo doesn't reflect the selection state until it's first opened.
- #4717 : 'Unlink' and 'Outdent' command buttons should be disabled on editor startup.
- #5119 : Disabled command buttons are not being properly styled when focused.
- #5307 : Hide dialog page cause problem when there's two tab pages remain.
- #5343 : Active list item ARIA role is wrongly placed.
- #3599 : Background color style applying to text with font size style has been narrowly rendered.
- #4711 : Line break character inside preformatted text makes it unable to type text at the end of previous line.
- #4829 : [IE] Apply style from combo has wrong result on manually created selection.
- #4830 : Retrieving selected element isn't always right, especially selecting using keyboard (SHIFT+ARROW).
- #5128 : Element attribute inside preformatted text is corrupted when converting to other blocks.
- #5190 : Template list entry shouldn't gain initial focus open templates list dialog opens.
- #5238 : Menu button doesn't display arrow icon in high-contrast mode.
- #3576 : Non-attributed element of the same name with the applied style is incorrectly removed.
- #5221 : Insert table into empty document cause JavaScript error thrown.
- #5242 : Apply 'automatic' color option of text color incorrectly removes background-color style.
- #4719 : IE does not escape attribute values properly.
- #5170 : Firefox does not insert text into styled element properly.
- #4026 : Office2003 skin has no toolbar button borders in High Contrast in IE7.
- #4348 : There should have exception thrown when 'CKEDITOR_BASEPATH' couldn't be figured out automatically.
- #5364 : Focus may not be put into dialog correctly when dialog skin file is loading slow.
- #4016 : Justify the layout of forms select dialog in Chrome and IE7.
- #5373 : Variable 'pathBlockElements' defines wrong items in CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath.
- #5082 : Ctrl key should be described as Cmd key on Mac.
- #5182 : Context menu is not been announced correctly by ATs.
- #4898 : Can't navigate outside table under the last paragraph of document.
- #4950 : List commands could compromise list item attribute and styles.
- #5018 : Find result highlighting remove normal font color styles unintentionally.
- #5376 : Unable to exit list from within a empty block under list item.
- #5145 : Various SCAYT fixes.
- #5319 : Match whole word doesn't work anymore after replacement has happened.
- #5363 : 'title' attribute now presents on all editor iframes.
- #5374 : Unable to toggle inline style when the selection starts at the linefeed of the previous paragraph.
- #4513 : Selected link element is not always correctly detected when using keyboard arrows to perform such selection.
- #5372 : Newly created sub list should inherit nothing from the original (parent) list, except the list type.
- #5274 : [IE6] Templates preview image is displayed in wrong size.
- #5292 : Preview in font size and family doesn't work with custom styles.
- #5396 : Selection is lost when use cell properties dialog to change cell type to header.
- #4082 : [IE+Quirks] Preview text in the image dialog is not wrapping.
- #4197 : Fixing format combo don't hide when editor blur on Safari.
- #5401 : The context menu break layout with Office2003 and V2 skin on IE quirks mode.
- #4825 : Fixing browser context menu is opened when clicking right mouse button twice.
- #5356 : The SCAYT dialog had issues with Prototype enabled pages.
- #5266 : SCAYT was disturbing the rendering of TH elements.
- #4688 : SCAYT was interfering on checkDirty.
- #5429 : High Contrast mode was being mistakenly detected when loading the editor through Dojo's xhrGet.
- #5221 : Range is mangled when making collapsed selection in an empty paragraph.
- #5261 : Config option 'scayt_autoStartup' slow down editor loading.
- #3846 : Google Chrome - No Img properties after inserting.
- #5465 : ShiftEnter=DIV doesn't respect list item when pressing enter at end of list item.
- #5454 : After replaced success, the popup window couldn't be closed and a js error occured.
- #4784 : Incorrect cursor position after delete table cells.
- #5149 : [FF] Cursor disappears after maximize when the editor has focus.
- #5220 : DTD now shows tolerance to <style> appear inside content.
- #5540 : Mobile browsers (iPhone, Android...) are marked as incompatible as they don't support editing features.
- #5504 : [IE6/7] 'Paste' dialog will always get opened even when user allows the clipboard access dialog when using 'Paste' button.
- Updated the following language files: