New Features:

Fixed Issues:

  • #663: [Chrome] Fixed: Clicking the scrollbar throws an Uncaught TypeError: is not a functionerror.
  • #520: Fixed: Widgets cannot be properly pasted into a table cell.
  • #579: Fixed: Internal cke_table-faked-selection-table class is visible in the Stylesheet Classes field of the Table Properties dialog.
  • #545: [Edge] Fixed: Error thrown when pressing the Select All button in Source Mode.
  • #582: Fixed: Double slash in the path to stylesheet needed by the Table Selection plugin. Thanks to Marius Dumitru Florea!
  • #491: Fixed: Unnecessary dependency on the Editor Toolbar plugin inside the Notification plugin.
  • #646: Fixed: Error thrown into the browser console after opening the Styles Combo plugin menu in the editor without any selection.
  • #501: Fixed: Double click does not open the dialog for modifying anchors inserted via the Link plugin.
  • #9780: [IE8-9] Fixed: Clicking inside an empty read-only editor throws an error.
  • #16820: [IE10] Fixed: Clicking below a single horizontal rule throws an error.
  • #426: Fixed: The range.cloneContents method selects the whole element when the selection starts at the beginning of that element.
  • #644: Fixed: The range.extractContents method returns an incorrect result when multiple nodes are selected.
  • #684: Fixed: The elementPath.contains method incorrectly excludes the last element instead of root when the fromTop parameter is set to true.

Other Changes:

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