Simple Image Browser

A simple plugin that allows you to integrate easily with any CMS solution while the user can easily add these within two clicks to their webcontent.

There is a video available. Click on the "demo" link to see it.


How to install?

You can build this together with CKEditor. You will need to configure this afterwards with the AJAX url. No other setup is required. You can set the config like so.

// If you haven't build CKEditor with this plugin.
CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'simple-image-browser';

// Add this line to configure for AJAX / JSON Reponse.
CKEDITOR.config.simpleImageBrowserURL = <INSERT URL>;
  JSON Response

The JSON Response exists now only of the url to the file. Nothing more is needed and all your logic can go in the AJAX file. Here is a example of what the JSON response should look like.

// JSON Response Example
    // File 1
    url: <URL TO FILE HERE>
    // File 2
    url: <URL TO FILE HERE>



46,896 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 0.0.3

DownloadRelease notes

Compatibility with Builder.

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