I installed fckeditor on my webspace, but the filemanager doesn't work, i configured the php-config, because i got an error message that it couldn't connect, but now the php-connector works fine & i get an error message from the asp-connector.
Why does it use php AND asp???
I installed fckeditor on my webspace, but the filemanager doesn't work, i configured the php-config, because i got an error message that it couldn't connect, but now the php-connector works fine & i get an error message from the asp-connector.
Why does it use php AND asp???
RE: why there are different connectors used?
Not everyone uses PHP, so for them there are other connectors.
For you, configuring the PHP connector and also configuring the FCKeditor to use the PHP connector should do. To config the FCKeditor you need to set _FileBrowserLanguage and _QuickUploadLanguage to PHP in you 'fckconfig.js' file. (Explained also on http://wiki.fckeditor.net/Developer%27s ... le_Browser 'Integrating the File Browser'::'Version 2.2 and Higher')