I want the cursor position in the center of the text in when FCKeditor loads others your text automatically set to justify center.
In my project the text needs to be centered don't want user to use the toolbar.
Does anyone knows where to set the default text justification.
I've another question. Is there anyway, add remove format in the style drown list. So, when you select a text and you want to remove the format just select the style remove format and it will styles from selected text
I want the cursor position in the center of the text in when FCKeditor loads others your text automatically set to justify center.
In my project the text needs to be centered don't want user to use the toolbar.
Does anyone knows where to set the default text justification.
I've another question. Is there anyway, add remove format in the style drown list. So, when you select a text and you want to remove the format just select the style remove format and it will styles from selected text