I could not able to use AjaXplorer version 4.2.2 as a file browser with CKEditor version 3.6.4.
I could able to invoke the browser and navigate files but when I duble click on a file the returned url in the URL box of CKEditor Image properties is not correct it gives out something like the following:
I invoke Ajaxplorer using Jquery dapter by using the following code:
As you see that the selector is any textarea element. How could I solve this problem?
I just find the solution. just add & to the end of relative_path parameter to be:
I could not able to use AjaXplorer version 4.2.2 as a file browser with CKEditor version 3.6.4.
I could able to invoke the browser and navigate files but when I duble click on a file the returned url in the URL box of CKEditor Image properties is not correct it gives out something like the following:
I invoke Ajaxplorer using Jquery dapter by using the following code:
$(document).ready(function() { $("textarea").ckeditor(function(){},{filebrowserImageBrowseUrl: ['/ajaxplorer/?external_selector_type=ckeditor&relative_path=upload/files']}); });
As you see that the selector is any textarea element. How could I solve this problem?
I just find the solution. just add & to the end of relative_path parameter to be: