hey there,
I am currently setting some properties in my config.js file (ex: config.skin= 'v2';). This works fine when the html page is loaded. However, during run time, I am not able to read the properties I set inside my config.js file. Any ideas how I'd be able to read those at run time? I am currently doing something like this...
I am currently setting some properties in my config.js file (ex: config.skin= 'v2';). This works fine when the html page is loaded. However, during run time, I am not able to read the properties I set inside my config.js file. Any ideas how I'd be able to read those at run time? I am currently doing something like this...
var oEditor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1; if ('kama' == oEditor.config.skin) alert("expecting v2, got 'kama'");