I have recently upgraded to 4.1 and until just now everything was fine. I have configured CKE to paste as plain text and I have been able to copy and paste from other sources into the edit area with no problem, using either the toolbar button or the R click context menu. Now suddenly I am getting the following Javascript runtime error when I try to paste from a source outside the edit area (although a cut and paste inside the edit area is fine): Unhandled exception at line 324, column 348 in ckeditor.js - Unable to get property 'remove' of undefined or null reference. How can this be? The code has not changed. It does not appear to be a content issue as I still get this error when copying and pasting from Windows Notepad. Frankly I am stumped - any ideas?
This is a known issue which
This is a known issue which will be fixed by this ticket https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/10260 in next minor release that will be freezed on next Tuesday/Wednesday and released around 23th of April.
Piotrek (Reinmar) Koszuliński
CKEditor JavaScript Developer
CKSource - http://cksource.com
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Many thanks for the reply. I
Many thanks for the reply. I ws aware of ACF but had assumed that setting ForcePasteAsPlainText to true would have disabled it. But setting allowedContent to true seems to have overcome the issue for me. But odd that I was able to paste a variety of content for some time before it became an issue.