Hello to all!
I've a really strange problem with loading the fckstyles.xml. On firefox it runs as expected and the styles dropdown is filled with my defined styles.
But on ie6 (sp2) I get the error message: Error loading /fckeditor/fckstyles.xml. If I click on Ok-button to get more info, I get this:
URL requested: /fckeditor/fckstyles.xml
Server response: Status 200
Responsed Text: [the content of fckstyles.xml]
In my test I've used the original fckstyles.xml.
I debug arround since 2 days and I have no idea. Is there everyone who has an hint for me? Could it be, there is an encoding problem with ie6? PLEASE let me know all your hints, before I get crazy!
Tue, 06/26/2007 - 12:11
RE: loading error with fckstyles.xml on ie
It must be an error of my servlet rendering engine, because ie6 has no problems with the live demo!
Is there any framework developer who knows this problems?
Thanks and regards
RE: loading error with fckstyles.xml on ie
I added that extra info in order to help people to find out any problem with their install, but it seems that it's not enough in your case.
Could you send me a url where I can test your install and then I can try to send you some modifications to the files in order to show a better message when there is such a problem?
RE: loading error with fckstyles.xml on ie
Hello Alfonso,
thank you very much for your replay! I've found the problem! (Shame on me!) I should think about changing my job.
The problem is that ie6 reads the fckstyles.xml only, if you set the right content type (text/xml). In firefox, it doesn't matter, if you set the content type or not!
Just one line of code! And I've searching 2 days!
RE: loading error with fckstyles.xml on ie
I am running into the same problem.
Can you tell me where you added the extra line of code?
Many thanks,
RE: loading error with fckstyles.xml on ie
RE: loading error with fckstyles.xml on ie
Re: loading error with fckstyles.xml on ie
Re: loading error with fckstyles.xml on ie
How is it that you got this line of php code to work in an xml file? Did this solution actually work?
Well, I had the same problem myself, and since it used to work fine before I tried making changes to the file, I figured it must have been something that I did. Sure enough, I was right. I had
<Style name="Smaller H1" element="h1" />
<Attribute name="class" value="smaller" />
when I should have had
<Style name="Smaller H1" element="h1">
<Attribute name="class" value="smaller" />
I had closed the first style tag at the end (the backslash) when I should have left it open. This is an xml file. You're not allowed to make a single mistake. If you have the server response problem, I would advise you to examine your code carefully for properly closed tags and other things that may cause it to go awry.
Re: loading error with fckstyles.xml on ie
Re: loading error with fckstyles.xml on ie
<?php header('Content-type: text/xml');?><?php echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>"; ?>
Upload file and change your fckconfig.js and set fckstyles.php to fckstyles.xml
This worked for me.
Re: loading error with fckstyles.xml on ie
Has anybody got any solutions plllease...
P.S. The file is definitely there and with the trace in the error message it shows the contents of the .xml file, so I don't know why the editor thinks it didn't find it!
Re: loading error with fckstyles.xml on ie
I have the same problem, but I'm using windows 2003 advanced server, and this problem appears after I installed msxml3.msi from Microsoft.
I mean before that, I don't have any issues...
Maybe... check your fckstyles.xml's encoding...
But, I have a solution now.
My problem is encoding type of fckstyles.xml
I've saved fckstyles.xml with ANSI encoding.
It is the reason!!!
So... I've changed fckstyles.xml with UTF-8 encoding in my favorite editor NOTEPAD++. and saved it again.
Then, I've upload fckstyles.xml to original position in my web server.
If you have got the same problem...
First of all, check your fckstyles.xml's encoding.
Good Luck.