Iam new to the FCK-editor. I got everything to work but I have <p> as default off CR. I want to have <br> and not <p> when I hit return. I try this code inside FCKConfig.js
FCKConfig.EnterMode = 'br' ;
FCKConfig.ShiftEnterMode = 'p' ;
I still got <p>. How do I solve this?
Please help.
Best regards Stefan
Iam new to the FCK-editor. I got everything to work but I have <p> as default off CR. I want to have <br> and not <p> when I hit return. I try this code inside FCKConfig.js
FCKConfig.EnterMode = 'br' ;
FCKConfig.ShiftEnterMode = 'p' ;
I still got <p>. How do I solve this?
Please help.
Best regards Stefan
Re: <br> instead off <p>
Stefan, I have a partial reply for you.
There is a configuration option in CKEditor called "enterMode" which controls whether line breaks are turned into <p>, <div> or <br />. It is documented at:
http://docs.cksource.com/ckeditor_api/s ... .enterMode
I haven't tried changing it so don't know much more.
(This is an issue for me as an ExpressionEngine/Wygwam user. Although the authors of CKEditor are strongly in favor of <p> and against <br /> as a line break marker, that doesn't work for the common situation in ExpressionEngine when a field isn't meant to represent a paragraph or paragraphs but rather a fragment within a paragraph.)
Good luck, and please report back if you play with it.