Hi I'm new to these editors
can you tell me what i need to download to install this in visual studio 2008? can i add it as a control to the toolbox?
can you tell me what i need to download to install this in visual studio 2008? can i add it as a control to the toolbox?
Re: installing asp.net control
There's an ASP.NET control available for FCK.
But I prefer to go with plain JavaScript and do not use toolbox.
It's not hard, just read carefully the docs:
All Opens Source projects require you to be ready to dig into the code by yourself if you don't get something
Re: installing asp.net control
Re: installing asp.net control
But for your ASP.NET site you need to:
1) Add <textarea id="editor"></textarea> to your aspx page.
2) Add script tag at the bottom of your aspx:
3) Be happy and use editor object on your client side.
Re: installing asp.net control
Re: installing asp.net control
i keep getting an HTTP Error 404 - Not Found.
what does this mean? if i remove the fck tag the page loads fine.
Re: installing asp.net control
may be you have not put the scripts of FCKeditor 2.6.4, what i understand is that you should put that files in your site, in the root directory like say in this page
http://docs.fckeditor.net/FCKeditor_2.x ... stallation, i know that the root directory of my iis server is c:\inetpub\wwwroot, and i put the files in there and i publish the application and works, but in desaign time when i run the application with visual studio it returns me the error http 404, i don't know where do i should put the files to visual studio works fine, some one knows?, there is not easy should to publish every time i need to test the application.