Hi, i have made a one simple news script for a school
now i want to include the fckeditor script can some one help me out, i was happy that this script works great, now i hope also with the fckeditor
here is my code
<? error_reporting(0); //############################################################# //################# CONFIGURATION ########################## // choose a password $my_password="xxxxxxxx"; // the email from which emails are send // mydomain.com must be your real domain, otherways, // the server will not send any emails $from_email="noreply-groep8a <noreply-groep8b@redegeld-e.nl>"; // Your replay to email (whatever you want). $replayto="noreply-groep8b@redegeld-e.nl"; // A message to be attached to the bottom of the message // We recommend to add a link to subscription page $message_at_bottom=" ------------------------------------------------------------ P.D.: Wilt u weer van de lijst af? ga dan naar... http://www.redegeld-e.nl/7spr/groep8b/groep8.php "; // The file where emails are stored $emails_file="emaillist-groep8Vso47CVF.txt"; //############### END CONFIGURATION ######################## //############################################################# // IF INFO IS NOT POSTED, PRINT THE FORM AND DIE if (!$_POST["mensaje"]){ print_form(); die(); } // IF INFO IS POSTED YOU WILL BE HERE // Check whether the password is correct // (only webmaster is supposed to know the password, which has been specified above) if ($_POST["p"]!=$my_password){die("Incorrect password");} // Get the subject of message $subject =$_POST["subject"]; // Get the body of message $message=$_POST["mensaje"]; // Add to body of message the bottom $message.=$message_at_bottom; // Read the file with emails to variable $emails_file $emails_file=file_get_contents($emails_file); // Extract list of emails to array $emails_array preg_match_all("/<.{0,100}?>/",$emails_file,$emails_array); // Start output print "<b>Sending messages...</b>"; // Send email to each email foreach ($emails_array[0] as $email){ // remove "<" and ">" from each email $email=substr($email,1,strlen($email)-2); // Next line is the one sending the email: the key command of this script mail($email, $subject, $message,"From: $from_email\nReply-To: $replayto\nContent-Type: text/plain"); // Each time an email is send, output it print "<br>$email\n"; // After sending each email, send previous line (the email) to the browser flush(); } ?> </body> </html> <?php // THIS FUNCTION WILL SHOW THE FORM // MODIFY IT AS REQUIRED function print_form(){ ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type"> <title>My email list</title> </head> <body style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> <center> <h2>Formulier om een bericht naar de emaillijst te sturen</h2> <table style="font-family: times new roman;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: top;"> <form method=POST action="<? $PHP_SELF; ?>".php> Onderwerp <br><input type=text name=subject size=40> <br>Bericht <br><textarea name=mensaje cols=50 rows=8></textarea> <br>Password <input type=password name=p size=10> <br><input type=submit value=Send> </form> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </center> </body> </html> <? } ?>
Re: including fckeditor HELP!!!
Re: including fckeditor HELP!!!
i see the fckeditor box and when i hit submit nothing happend.
Re: including fckeditor HELP!!!
Re: including fckeditor HELP!!!
i am allready glad that the code i made a while ago works
it is been a while that i have been working with php.
form tag?
i have put the code in my first topic, en somewhere in this code i have to include the fckeditor .
the map fckeditor is present
and in my code there is a section thats says
Re: including fckeditor HELP!!!
Re: including fckeditor HELP!!!
oke, but in the demo code stand this
<form action="sampleposteddata.php" method="post" target="_blank">
i dont have this file
Re: including fckeditor HELP!!!
Re: including fckeditor HELP!!!
Hi, it is been a late night tonight
here is my code, a use the demo like you say en put the code in the form tag.
but now i got a blanc screen
http://www.redegeld-e.nl/7spr/groep8b/v ... n8test.php
can you give me a hint?
thank you
Re: including fckeditor HELP!!!
Re: including fckeditor HELP!!!
i tried everything.
tomorrow another day.
Re: including fckeditor HELP!!!
nothing, i cant get the vinger on it, i im a beginner with php.
Thank you for replying and you time
next week i trie again
Re: including fckeditor HELP!!!
Check this one: http://dev.fckeditor.net/browser/FCKedi ... mple01.php