Page break is a helper to force a page break while printing although the normal flow of the document doesn't require a new page at that place, so inserting them automatically makes no sense.
What you say is correct, tell me how do i know where the page is breaking. Suppose i have a 10 page content, how do i know from where page 2,3,...10 starts.
Page breaks in advance in (x)html content is always just a guess, it depends on so much. If you do paged media with (x)html, I suggest you format and style your content in a way that gives no page breaking issues no matter where they end up. For example insert a CSS page break before headings, do page-break avoids on images etc.
Page breaking depends on the DPI of the document, size of paper, size of margins, size of header/footer, CSS styles, zoom value and html renderer - page breaks are basically guesses here. If you control the html rendering, know the DPI and size of paper you can get an estimate by forcing element widths - but don't rely on it too much. I have done and I think succeeded in doing html-to-paged but it's really doable when you don't need full control over paging. This is such a complicated issue it depends on your requirements.
I don't really know how feasible this is, but if CKEditor can be made to produce XML you have better control over paging the document if you work with XSLT (unfortunately).
Re: how to insert pageBreak automatically
Re: how to insert pageBreak automatically
Suppose i have a 10 page content, how do i know from where page 2,3,...10 starts.
Re: how to insert pageBreak automatically
Page breaking depends on the DPI of the document, size of paper, size of margins, size of header/footer, CSS styles, zoom value and html renderer - page breaks are basically guesses here. If you control the html rendering, know the DPI and size of paper you can get an estimate by forcing element widths - but don't rely on it too much. I have done and I think succeeded in doing html-to-paged but it's really doable when you don't need full control over paging. This is such a complicated issue it depends on your requirements.
I don't really know how feasible this is, but if CKEditor can be made to produce XML you have better control over paging the document if you work with XSLT (unfortunately).