hi. im not new in web programming but i work with this tool for first time.
well, my problem is:
I have four posted value from first page and into second page i want to get my output data that is in below:
Phone No
When i submit the output, on second page the data is same this:
22nd street >> this should be fckeditor output !
22nd street
in samplephpgetdata.php file
that use data same this
foreach ($postArray as $sForm => $value)
It means for each data and when it wants to show
All the datas will be show but here is single data and when it come with other
I don't know how can i get the datas...
By the way ! fckeditor have any output name ? simple this:
$mycont = $_POST['fckeditor1'];
Excuse for i wrote a lot !
Wed, 05/13/2009 - 16:23