1.) I use FCKeditor in CMSmade Simple with default toolbar.
I would like to add the div-commands to the default-toolbar. What I have to do, which codes I have to add? Where I can find the toolbar-codes?
2.) What I have to do to add my own styles to the Style-Dialog? If I add a css-code, like img.box {border:#505055 1px solid;} to the Styles-Configuration-Textarea in FCKeditor (also in the styles of the site), nothing will show up in the Style-Dialog. Is there another way to add css-code to FCKeditor?
Fri, 06/05/2009 - 17:58
Re: how to add div-commands to the default-toolbar?
Once again, how could I use own styles in FCKeditor?
Or can't use FCKeditor own Styles?
Re: how to add div-commands to the default-toolbar?