we create CMS by zend framework. so want to fckeditor integrate with zend framework, i did then generate error so please suggest me and send link for help, if any another editor easy to integrate and editor is also well and suggest me and me link, so please help me..
i used this process..
<link href="<?=$baseUrl?>/public/fckeditor/fckeditor.php" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<td align="left">
$sBasePath = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ;
$sBasePath = substr( $sBasePath, 0, strpos( $sBasePath, "_samples" ) ) ;
$oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('FCKeditor1') ;
$oFCKeditor->BasePath = $sBasePath ;
$oFCKeditor->Value = $this->post['address'];
//$oFCKeditor->Value = '<p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="http://www.fckeditor.net/">FCKeditor</a>.</p>' ;
$oFCKeditor->Create() ;
<textarea name="address" cols="17" rows="2"><?=$this->post['address']?></textarea>// I want to replace this text box</td>
But think i am doing some mistake as per zend framework requirement so hope any help me...
Sat, 08/08/2009 - 09:34