how can i disable right click function throughtout the FCKeditor,
becase i need it to be "hackproof", im using the editor for blogs
and i cant allow users to put an image up, so ive disabled that
but then i found, if you right click on a smilie you can click "image properties" and change the url to another image,
NOt good, so i need to disable right click on smilies,
also right click anywhere where because if you right click anywhere you can then select 'Paste' which opend up a text area of which you paste what you have copied into it and it transfers to the editor but if you select something with images init it just pastes the images into it,
again NOT good :L.
i have disabled ctrl+v ctrl+c ctrl+x, cuz i found the found which does that so you cant paste images like that
i just need to disable right click,,
sorry its long winded, just dont want someone reply saying i dont understand :L
Sun, 07/19/2009 - 23:21
Re: diasble right click
And also you must prevent the users to use any tool like Firebug to get direct access to the contents, or Monkey Grease scripts.