at line 324 in /plugins/menu/plugin.js the code says
But apparently that ends up with a wrong markup if you use a custom icon when you add your own menu item. This piece of code should be changed into
offset + 'px;"></span>' should become offset + 'px;"'
You can find the same in the compressed file at line 80, around character 2220.
output.push( // ' onkeydown="return CKEDITOR.ui.button._.keydown(', index, ', event);"' + ' onmouseover="', menu._.itemOverFn, ',', index, ');"' + ' onmouseout="', menu._.itemOutFn, ',', index, ');"' + ' onclick="', menu._.itemClickFn, ',', index, '); return false;"' + '>' + '<span class="cke_icon_wrapper"><span class="cke_icon"' + ( this.icon ? ' style="background-image:url(' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.icon ) + ');background-position:0 ' + offset + 'px;"></span>' : '' ) + '></span></span>' + '<span class="cke_label">' );
But apparently that ends up with a wrong markup if you use a custom icon when you add your own menu item. This piece of code should be changed into
output.push( // ' onkeydown="return CKEDITOR.ui.button._.keydown(', index, ', event);"' + ' onmouseover="', menu._.itemOverFn, ',', index, ');"' + ' onmouseout="', menu._.itemOutFn, ',', index, ');"' + ' onclick="', menu._.itemClickFn, ',', index, '); return false;"' + '>' + '<span class="cke_icon_wrapper"><span class="cke_icon"' + ( this.icon ? ' style="background-image:url(' + CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.icon ) + ');background-position:0 ' + offset + 'px;"' : '' ) + '></span></span>' + '<span class="cke_label">' );
offset + 'px;"></span>' should become offset + 'px;"'
You can find the same in the compressed file at line 80, around character 2220.
Re: context menu items with custom icon
Thanks. I've filed a ticket about this: