Madam / Sir,
for about 5 hours I'm tryng to make my version (4.2) of CKEditor to accept either
config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
(NB: I've not been trying to simultaneously do these changes. I tried one and then the other.)
'Enter' still gives me the <p>-tag.
And yes, I have cleared the cache of my browsers:
Firefox 20.0.1
Chrome 27.0.1453.94 m
The same goes for my CMS (Drupal 7.22). Here I also cleared all caches at least two times before making a new attempt to use CKeditor after changing and saving the settings in \sites\all\libraries\ckeditor\config.js. And to make sure I also ran CRON at least two times after saving config.js.
I have installed CKEditor via theCKeditor module version 7.x-1.13.
Please advise me what to do. Am I missing something? Oh yes, I have cleared all available caches several times .... (this drives me nuts.)
Best regards,