Hi, needing some help here please.
I have downloaded the latest ckeditor and have it working with ckfinder. The problem is that my code is indenting in a way that I don't want....
i want...
I am using the newest php version. I have searched for the answers and get solutions using javascript which do not work on the version I am using.
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( ev )
ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.setRules( 'p',
indent : false,
breakBeforeOpen : true,
breakAfterOpen : false,
breakBeforeClose : false,
breakAfterClose : true
I have no idea how, or where, to implement this code in the php version I have.
my code is...
include_once 'ckfinder-new/ckeditor/ckeditor.php' ;
require_once 'ckfinder-new/ckfinder.php' ;
$initialValue = '<p>Just click the <b>Image</b> or <b>Link</b> button, and then <b>"Browse Server"</b>.</p>' ; // David insert here!!!
$ckeditor = new CKEditor( ) ;
$ckeditor->basePath = "/ckeditor/" ;
CKFinder::SetupCKEditor( $ckeditor, 'ckfinder-new/' ) ;
$config['toolbar'] = array(
array( 'Source', '-', 'Bnewer', 'Italic', 'Underline' ),
array('BulletedList', 'NumberedList', 'Outdent', 'Indent'),
array('HorizontalRule', 'break'),
array('Image', 'Link', 'Unlink'),
array('SpellChecker', 'Scayt'),
array('Format', 'Font', 'FontSize', 'TextColor', 'SpecialChar', 'Smiley', '/'),
array('SelectAll', 'Find', 'Replace'),
array('Undo', 'Redo'),
$config['width'] = 600;
// $config['customConfig'] = 'ckfinder-new/ckeditor/customConfig.js'; // not working!!!
$ckeditor->editor('CKEditor1', $initialValue, $config); // 'whatever' -> name of textfield
I have downloaded the latest ckeditor and have it working with ckfinder. The problem is that my code is indenting in a way that I don't want....
i want...
I am using the newest php version. I have searched for the answers and get solutions using javascript which do not work on the version I am using.
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( ev )
ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.setRules( 'p',
indent : false,
breakBeforeOpen : true,
breakAfterOpen : false,
breakBeforeClose : false,
breakAfterClose : true
I have no idea how, or where, to implement this code in the php version I have.
my code is...
include_once 'ckfinder-new/ckeditor/ckeditor.php' ;
require_once 'ckfinder-new/ckfinder.php' ;
$initialValue = '<p>Just click the <b>Image</b> or <b>Link</b> button, and then <b>"Browse Server"</b>.</p>' ; // David insert here!!!
$ckeditor = new CKEditor( ) ;
$ckeditor->basePath = "/ckeditor/" ;
CKFinder::SetupCKEditor( $ckeditor, 'ckfinder-new/' ) ;
$config['toolbar'] = array(
array( 'Source', '-', 'Bnewer', 'Italic', 'Underline' ),
array('BulletedList', 'NumberedList', 'Outdent', 'Indent'),
array('HorizontalRule', 'break'),
array('Image', 'Link', 'Unlink'),
array('SpellChecker', 'Scayt'),
array('Format', 'Font', 'FontSize', 'TextColor', 'SpecialChar', 'Smiley', '/'),
array('SelectAll', 'Find', 'Replace'),
array('Undo', 'Redo'),
$config['width'] = 600;
// $config['customConfig'] = 'ckfinder-new/ckeditor/customConfig.js'; // not working!!!
$ckeditor->editor('CKEditor1', $initialValue, $config); // 'whatever' -> name of textfield