I was wondering if there are any plans for ckeditor to use the new html5 contenteditable=true instead of the current iframe with designmode?
Couldn't find it anywhere, maybe it is already planned?
Would be nice since we are using a frontend editing system, and then users can see what they get without us having to create a seperate css file for the editor.
Thanks in advance
---- edit: ----
In case that anyone else was wondering this, I got this answer from cksource:
Yes, we're planning this. We should have more news about it by the end of the year.
Best regards,
Frederico Caldeira Knabben
CKSource - http://cksource.com
Sat, 09/17/2011 - 22:36
Re: ckeditor using html5 contenteditable instead of iframe
Using an iframe allows isolation of the main document and the edited content, there are some adjustments that will be needed before that iframe is removed.
BTW: contentEditable was introduced by IE 5.5, it's not something new.
Re: ckeditor using html5 contenteditable instead of iframe
So all major browsers are supporting it now.
And allot of the ckeditor implementations are used for frontend editing, which means that not having to make a seperate css file for the ckeditor iframe would be very nice. I honestly believe that if ckeditor is not going to support this, there will be allot of people who are going to choose for a different wysiwyg editor.
Re: ckeditor using html5 contenteditable instead of iframe
It looks like this is supported now. It is not necessary to use an iframe implementation. However, contenteditable has a very different affect in IE than in FF or Chrome for example. The later do not provide support for resizing or drap-and-drop of form elements.