I have a problem when a simple CKeditor loads using FF (v3.6.13).
This problem does not happen with IE or Opera.
I've created a simple web page that creates a CKeditor textarea that shows at the bottom of the page. Normally, when the page loads it is positioned showing the TOP of the page. In my case the CKeditor instance is hidden (below) the page window requiring the user to scroll the page using the slider to view the editor region.
For IE and Opera the program works as expected - you see the top of the web page when it loads. You must scroll down to see the editor region.
For FF, the page is re-positions itself on page load so the entire ckeditor header toolbar is visible at the bottom of the page. This effectively auto-scrolls the page so the top of is now hidden. User then have to manually scroll to the top of the page to begin form population.
I'm using ASP method to show the editor.
I tried moving the Set objckeditor = new ckeditor, before sending the <head> but to no avail.
I'm doing something like this:
Any ideas?
Eric L. Edberg
I have a problem when a simple CKeditor loads using FF (v3.6.13).
This problem does not happen with IE or Opera.
I've created a simple web page that creates a CKeditor textarea that shows at the bottom of the page. Normally, when the page loads it is positioned showing the TOP of the page. In my case the CKeditor instance is hidden (below) the page window requiring the user to scroll the page using the slider to view the editor region.
For IE and Opera the program works as expected - you see the top of the web page when it loads. You must scroll down to see the editor region.
For FF, the page is re-positions itself on page load so the entire ckeditor header toolbar is visible at the bottom of the page. This effectively auto-scrolls the page so the top of is now hidden. User then have to manually scroll to the top of the page to begin form population.
I'm using ASP method to show the editor.
I tried moving the Set objckeditor = new ckeditor, before sending the <head> but to no avail.
I'm doing something like this:
Dim oCKeditor Set oCKeditor = new ckeditor oCKeditor.BasePath = "/Lab/CKeditor/" oCKeditor.instanceConfig("width") = 600 oCKeditor.instanceConfig("skin") = "v2" oCKeditor.instanceConfig("toolbar") = Array( _ Array("Bold","Italic","Underline","Strike","Subscript","OrderedList","UnorderedList","Outdent","Indent","Blockquote","JustifyLeft","JustifyCenter","JustifyRight","JustifyFull","Link","Unlink","Anchor","Table","Rule","Smiley"), _ Array("TextColor","BGColor","Preview","Cut","Copy","Paste","PasteText","PasteFromWord","Print","Undo","Redo","-","Find","Replace","-","SelectAll","RemoveFormat","Source"), _ Array("Image","Styles","Format","Font","FontSize","About") _ ) Response.WRite "<tr>" Response.WRite "<td align=right><strong>Event Description</strong></td>" Response.Write "<td align=left>" oCKeditor.editor "Notes", Notes Response.Write "<td valign=top align=left class=vs style='color:Green'>" Response.Write " Short description of the event displayed on the signup form" Response.Write "</td>" Response.WRite "</tr>" & vbCrLf
Any ideas?
Eric L. Edberg
Re: ckeditor in FF loads page scrolled showing editor header
Re: ckeditor in FF loads page scrolled showing editor header
The simpler the code, the better chances are that the problem can be fixed.