I am using the JQuery adapter to initialize a CKEditor on a textarea (called in a JQuery page start-up function). The parent of this textarea however is hidden - this is to keep the entire editor hidden until the user chooses to show it. And initialize it already anyway, indeed.
Now, this actually works perfectly fine - but an error is thrown when the page loads anyway. It says "h is null" on line 13 in ckeditor.js. Since everything keeps working it's not really terrible, but it does not "feel" right of course
A workaround could be to only initialize the editor when it is shown, but the thing the visibility can be toggled, so the initialization would be called every time it is shown again. Which would perhaps not even be a problem,.. but still, it would be nice to already initialize it right away without errors.
Anyway, point is I just thought I should report it if the verdict is that editors can not be initialized when hidden, then I'll live with that.
Windows XP, Firefox 3.6.6
Sun, 07/11/2010 - 23:02