when I insert a new text and I press Enter FCK put a <P> tag in the html source, spacing too much the second line.
How (or Where) can I set the <DIV> tag to be used as default carriage return?
Es. : when i cut&paste from word the sorce is correct and the carriage return tags is the <DIV> (?) why?
Thu, 06/19/2003 - 08:08
RE: <P> and <DIV> tags
<OBJECT class="EditorArea" id="objContent" ...
named :
<PARAM name="UseDivOnCarriageReturn" value="1">
seems don't work properly (?)
it's my mirconfiguration or mistake?
a first partial solution is to set the void variable with a div tag :
oFCKeditor.Value = '<DIV>' ;
this works for the plain text, infact in this case the editor use the div tag in all the text. But the problem is the same when i create a new table and i try to wite in the cells...
..some ideas ?
RE: <P> and <DIV> tags
RE: <P> and <DIV> tags
This has been discussed in the help before
RE: <P> and <DIV> tags
<PARAM name="UseDivOnCarriageReturn" value="1">
May have something to do with it if you want the DIV tag, I haven't tested it though
RE: <P> and <DIV> tags
I discovered this editor yesterday, and liked very much, although two problems, one is the br tag, and the other one, is that window loses focus when clicking a button, I mean, if you click the <Bold> button, you have to click on the editing area to continue writing.
The second problem is solved, but the first one not. Could somebody help me with it?
RE: <P> and <DIV> tags
RE: <P> and <DIV> tags
I there is enough confusion about this that we need to add a configuration option to use ENTER as "<BR>" or whatever the developer wants....
I realize that DREAMWEAVER and all other WYSIWYG Editors are using SHIFT+ENTER but users who think this is MS Word in a browser are definately confussed...
feature request? anyone else agree?
RE: <P> and <DIV> tags
I thought about to capture the keyCode for Intro key, which is 13, and insertHtml('<BR/>'), but, it gets into confussion to the user because of the align buttons work with all the paragraph.
What do you think about a button toolbar?
RE: <P> and <DIV> tags
I think a button would be easy to implement. But I think we should also work on a keyDown event as well

Now all we need is syntax color coding
RE: <P> and <DIV> tags
if (event.keyCode==13) insertHtml='<BR/>';
but I have been trying it in several ways, but can't get the event from the objContent editing area.
Another way of doing that the ENTER seems a new line and not a new paragraph is deleting the commented
P, UL, OL { margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; }
on file