I try to save what the user inputs to a cookie on change. Since this website is made in Norwegian I am having problems with æøå in getData();
I try to save it to a cookie called "postRTF" it works fine untill I put in a character like æ, ø or å. When I submit it everything goes well. But just not when using the getData().
The cookie says something like <p>æ and nothing more after that If there is any english characters before it might seem like <p>I was one time at a bar called æ
æ = æ
å = å
ø = ø
I ended up using this instead for the standard one. And now it works like a charm. I desided to put it here in case someone else have the same problem as me. Hope it helps :D
Remember requires jQuery
The cookie says something
The cookie says something like <p>æ and nothing more after that If there is any english characters before it might seem like <p>I was one time at a bar called æ