We use Avectra netforum which is an association platform that is written in .net (c#) ... i have been trying to use the editor as a form control but the system simply sort of "crashes out" of my code with out throwing an editor ... debugging doesn't work either as it simply aproaches the fck code and then skips past it and the rest of the code. Any thoughts? here is the code:
using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; // add the following USING REFERENCES using Avectra.netForum.Data; using Avectra.netForum.Controls; using Avectra.netForum.Common; using Avectra.netForum.eWeb.Classes; using System.Data.SqlClient; // custom for this control using FredCK.FCKeditorV2; using System.Web.SessionState; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.IO; using FredCK.FCKeditorV2; namespace FEIeWeb_createdByFEI { public class FEIeWeb_extension_fckEditor { HtmlGenericControl dvFckEditor = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); Control oControlCur = new Control(); PageClass oPageCur = new PageClass(); public void fckEditorControl(PageClass oPage, Control oControl) { FCKeditor myEditor = new FCKeditor(); // here is where the code simply skips out without error myEditor.Debug = true; myEditor.ID = "myEditor"; oControlCur = oControl; oPageCur = oPage; Label fckLabel = new Label(); fckLabel.Text ="<P>FckEditor goes here</p>"; dvFckEditor.Controls.Add(fckLabel); dvFckEditor.Attributes.Add("style", "border:1px solid blue;"); dvFckEditor.Controls.Add(myEditor); oControl.Controls.Add(dvFckEditor); } } }