I am using the editor without submitting the data by post, but rather by using javascript. For instance, the editor is a popup that a user can use if they do not want to use a standard textarea, the popup then will be used to format the text, and then a "make changes" button will send the formatted text to the opener window.
This is working fine, but I want the formatted text to be XHTML compatible, and im not sure what js function to call to do that, any ideas?
Many thanks
This is working fine, but I want the formatted text to be XHTML compatible, and im not sure what js function to call to do that, any ideas?
Many thanks
RE: XHTML without submitting
window.status = 'Processing XHTML. Please wait...' ;
document.bigedit.bigeditfield.value = getXhtml(document.frames["content"].objContent.DOM.body) ;
window.status = 'Done' ;
The important bit being running the function getXhtml