I added the "Image" button on my toolbar.
It seems to work fine (in IE, cause in Mozilla Firefox I still have "undefined" popup, and that's all T_T), but there is no OK or Submit button to send the data to the editor... There is only the Cancel button...
How can I activate it ?
And, more generally, why does it display "undefined" in Mozilla ?
I hope someone can help me to deal with this problem...
Thanks in advance !
It seems to work fine (in IE, cause in Mozilla Firefox I still have "undefined" popup, and that's all T_T), but there is no OK or Submit button to send the data to the editor... There is only the Cancel button...
How can I activate it ?
And, more generally, why does it display "undefined" in Mozilla ?
I hope someone can help me to deal with this problem...
Thanks in advance !
RE: Why is there not a OK button ?
Please be patient...
RE: Why is there not a OK button ?
Argh... OK. Thanks for the info !
I have to find another way to do that, because I have to make an admin interface with buttons to include such a stuff...
If anyone has idea... Thanks
fck_image.js SOURCE
var FCK = dialogArguments.FCK ;
// Sets the Skin CSS
document.write( '<link href="' + dialogArguments.FCKConfig.SkinPath + 'fck_dialog.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">' ) ;
//#### Dialog Tabs
// Set the dialog tabs.
window.parent.AddTab( 'Info', 'Image Info' ) ;
window.parent.AddTab( 'Browse', 'Browse Image', false) ;
window.parent.AddTab( 'Upload', 'Image Upload', false ) ;
// Function called when a dialog tag is selected.
function OnDialogTabChange( tabCode ) {
ShowE('divInfo' , ( tabCode == 'Info' ) ) ;
ShowE('divBrowse' , ( tabCode == 'Browse' ) ) ;
ShowE('divUpload' , ( tabCode == 'Upload' ) ) ;
var FCKConfig = dialogArguments.FCKConfig ;
// Get browsing configuration
var bCanBrowse = FCKConfig.ImageBrowser ;
var sBrowseURL = FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL ;
var iBrowseWindowWidth = FCKConfig.ImageBrowserWindowWidth ;
var iBrowseWindowHeight = FCKConfig.ImageBrowserWindowHeight ;
// Get upload configuration
var bCanUpload = FCKConfig.ImageUpload && dialogArguments.BrowserInfo.IsIE55OrMore ;
var sUploadURL = FCKConfig.ImageUploadURL ;
var iUploadWindowWidth = FCKConfig.ImageUploadWindowWidth ;
var iUploadWindowHeight = FCKConfig.ImageUploadWindowHeight ;
var sUploadAllowedExtensions = FCKConfig.ImageUploadAllowedExtensions ;
// Gets the document DOM
var oDOM = dialogArguments.FCK.EditorDocument ;
// Gets the image if there is one selected.
var image ;
var e = FCK.Selection.GetSelectedElement( 'A' ) ;
if ( e && e.tagName == 'IMG' )
image = e ;
// this var is used to update the existing image
var imageSource = image ;
// Gets a copy of the image (for image size purposes)
var imageOriginal ;
if (image != null)
imageOriginal = new Image() ;
imageOriginal.src = image.src ;
imageOriginal = null ;
// Get the IMG tag.
function getImageHtml()
return '<IMG'
+ attr("src", document.getElementById('txtURL').value)
+ attr("alt", document.getElementById('txtAlt').value)
+ attr("align", document.getElementById('cmbAlign')[document.getElementById('cmbAlign').selectedIndex].value)
+ ((document.getElementById('txtWidth').value) ? attr("width" , document.getElementById('txtWidth').value) : "")
+ ((document.getElementById('txtHeight').value) ? attr("height", document.getElementById('txtHeight').value) : "")
+ '/>' ;
// Returns a formatted image attribute. Used by getImageHtml().
function attr(name, value)
if (!value || value == "") return "" ;
return ' ' + name + '="' + value + '"' ;
// Update any image (the selected or preview one)
function updateImage(imgTarget) {
if ( document.getElementById('txtURL').value.length == 0 ) {
imgTarget.style.display = "none" ;
} else {
imgTarget.removeAttribute("style") ;
imgTarget.removeAttribute("height") ;
imgTarget.removeAttribute("width") ;
imgTarget.src = document.getElementById('txtURL').value ;
setAttribute(imgTarget, "alt" , document.getElementById('txtAlt').value) ;
setAttribute(imgTarget, "width" , document.getElementById('txtWidth').value) ;
setAttribute(imgTarget, "height", document.getElementById('txtHeight').value) ;
try {
setAttribute(imgTarget, "align" , document.getElementById('cmbAlign').options[ document.getElementById('cmbAlign').selectedIndex ].value) ;
} catch (error) {
function setAttribute(element, attribute, value)
if (value == null || value == "")
element.removeAttribute(attribute, 0) ; // 0 = case insensitive
element.setAttribute(attribute, value, 0) ; // 0 = overwrite
// Fired when any field change to update the preview image.
function updatePreview() {
// Fired when the user press the OK button
function Ok() {
if ( document.getElementById('txtURL').value.length == 0 ) {
alert('ingen url');
cancel() ;
return ;
dialogArguments.FCK.InsertHtml( getImageHtml() || "" ) ;
window.parent.Cancel() ;
if (imageSource == null) {
dialogArguments.FCK.InsertHtml( getImageHtml() || "" ) ;
window.parent.Cancel() ;
} else {
alert('imageSource != null');
updateImage( imageSource ) ;
window.returnValue = null ;
// window.close() ;
// Fired when the user load the window. It sets the fields with the
// actual values if an image is selected in the editor.
function setDefaults()
// Activate the "OK" button.
window.parent.SetOkButton(true) ;
// First of all, translate the dialog box texts
dialogArguments.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;
if (image == null) return ;
if (image.getAttribute("src",2) != null) document.getElementById('txtURL').value = image.getAttribute("src",2) ;
if (image.getAttribute("alt",2) != null) document.getElementById('txtAlt').value = image.getAttribute("alt",2) ;
if ( image.getAttribute("width",2) > 0 )
document.getElementById('txtWidth').value = image.getAttribute("width",2) ;
if (image.getAttribute("height",2) != null)
document.getElementById('txtHeight').value = image.getAttribute("height",2) ;
if (image.getAttribute("align") != null)
document.getElementById('cmbAlign').value = image.getAttribute("align") ;
// Show the initial dialog content.
GetE('divInfo').style.display = '' ;
updatePreview() ;
// Fired when the width or height input texts change
function sizeChanged(axe)
// Verifies if the aspect ration has to be mantained
if (imageOriginal && document.getElementById('chkLockRatio').checked)
if ((axe) == "Width")
if ( document.getElementById('txtWidth').value != "")
if (! isNaN(document.getElementById('txtWidth').value))
document.getElementById('txtHeight').value = Math.round( imageOriginal.height * ( document.getElementById('txtWidth').value / imageOriginal.width ) ) ;
document.getElementById('txtHeight').value = "" ;
if (document.getElementById('txtHeight').value != "")
if (! isNaN(document.getElementById('txtHeight').value))
document.getElementById('txtWidth').value = Math.round( imageOriginal.width * ( document.getElementById('txtHeight').value / imageOriginal.height ) ) ;
document.getElementById('txtWidth').value = "" ;
updatePreview() ;
// Fired when the Lock Ratio checkbox is clicked
function onLockRationClick()
sizeChanged("Width") ;
// Fired when the Reset Size button is clicked
function resetSize()
if (! imageOriginal) return ;
document.getElementById('txtWidth').value = imageOriginal.width ;
document.getElementById('txtHeight').value = imageOriginal.height ;
updatePreview() ;
function openNewWindow(sURL, sName, iWidth, iHeight, bResizable, bScrollbars)
var iTop = (screen.height - iHeight) / 2 ;
var iLeft = (screen.width - iWidth) / 2 ;
var sOptions = "toolbar=no" ;
sOptions += ",width=" + iWidth ;
sOptions += ",height=" + iHeight ;
sOptions += ",resizable=" + (bResizable ? "yes" : "no") ;
sOptions += ",scrollbars=" + (bScrollbars ? "yes" : "no") ;
sOptions += ",left=" + iLeft ;
sOptions += ",top=" + iTop ;
var oWindow = window.open(sURL, sName, sOptions)
return oWindow ;
function setImage(sImageURL) {
if (image != null)
image = new Image() ;
image.src = sImageURL ;
imageOriginal = new Image() ;
imageOriginal.onload = resetSize ;
imageOriginal.src = sImageURL ;
document.getElementById('txtURL').value = sImageURL ;
updatePreview() ;
function selectImage(src, alt) {
if (document.getElementById('usethumbnail').checked) {
var end = src.indexOf('images/');
var part1 = src.substring(0, end+7);
var part2 = src.substring(end+7);
var path = part1+'thumbs/'+part2;
src = path;
function changeCategory() {
fck_image.html SOURCE
* FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php
* For further information visit:
* http://www.fckeditor.net/
* File Name: fck_image.html
* Image dialog window.
* Version: 2.0 Beta 1
* Modified: 2004-05-31 23:07:51
* File Authors:
* Frederico Caldeira Knabben (fredck@fckeditor.net)
The above code
The above code should work on both mozilla and IE6.
You may want to remove some of the stuff since it's a bi specialized, but I've used that code for weeks so it's quite bug free
RE: Why is there not a OK button ?
I refershed thebrowser but I get nothing. The uplaod tab stilldont work!
RE: Why is there not a OK button ?
and the upload doesn't work since it never worked, ever. I just haven't removed it.
the error "get nothing" is for me unusable since it doesnt explain anything
RE: The above code
RE: The above code
first of all, 10x to frederico for the great tool!
Andreas N, unfortunatelly, i can't understand your code, so above are screenshots from error in IE6 and from mozilla -> nothing happends inside ...