I've used FCKeditor on CMSMS and found it superb, but for some reason on Joomla I can't get the toolbar to show anything for font formatting at all, and seemingly no way of changing that. I've tried all the variations possible (Advanced, simple, compact, basic) but seem to just keep getting the same editor options each time. I actually thought it was Tiny MCE that was still showing as it looks exactly the same, except I'd unpublished it so it shouldn't have been showing.
I'm totally new to Joomla so accept that perhaps it's me and not the editor, but just wondering if anyone has had similar problems with it in this platform?? If anyone wants me to fire them screenshots I'd be more than happy to do so.
I'm totally new to Joomla so accept that perhaps it's me and not the editor, but just wondering if anyone has had similar problems with it in this platform?? If anyone wants me to fire them screenshots I'd be more than happy to do so.