hi to all the fckeditor freaks :
i am using dreamweaver 2004 to insert the content of the fck editor into database , but i can't do it becuase as you knwo fckeditor is not working with textarea inside the page so my question is it's this possible to use textarea or maybe to pass the content to hident textarea in the same page so then i can insert it visualy ....
thanks allot for your help and time .
i am using dreamweaver 2004 to insert the content of the fck editor into database , but i can't do it becuase as you knwo fckeditor is not working with textarea inside the page so my question is it's this possible to use textarea or maybe to pass the content to hident textarea in the same page so then i can insert it visualy ....
thanks allot for your help and time .
RE: Using Textarea insaid the page and not object
Take a look at the code for FCKEDITOR.ASP. You'll notice the following line:
Response.Write "<INPUT type=""hidden"" name=""" & instanceName & """ value=""" & Server.HTMLEncode( sInitialValue ) & """>"
Basically, a hidden form field is created with the instance name used on the page the editor is inserted on:
oFCKeditor.CreateFCKeditor "EditorDefault", "100%", 150
In this case, the instance name is EditorDefault. So, to get around this little dilemma, simply create a hidden field with the same instance name, create your recordset and command, then just delete the hidden field when you're done.