I'm lost.
I've updated my config.js file as shown below but still don't seem to have any ability to re-size a table column. Is there something else I need to do?
I've updated my config.js file as shown below but still don't seem to have any ability to re-size a table column. Is there something else I need to do?
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
// Define changes to default configuration here. For example:
// config.language = 'fr';
// config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
config.plugins = 'table,tableresize,tabletools';
Re: User help: How to enable plugins
Use the extraPlugins configuration setting. See the examples from the _samples folder of your CKEditor installation ("Additional plugins "). There is even a "TableResize plugin" sample available there. You do not need to enable the "table" and "tabletools" plugins as they are enabled by default.
Documentation Manager, CKSource
See CKEditor 5 docs, CKEditor 4 docs, CKEditor 3 docs, CKFinder 3 docs, CKFinder 2 docs for help.
Visit the new CKEditor SDK for samples showcasing editor features to try out and download!