Hi. I am using ckeditor and It is really great. The only one problem I have is that I am trying to use clases instead of style when align objects. More specific, I wanna use a class alignleft for align left images instead of using style="float:left". For this pourpuse I modified the plugin ckeditor/plugins/image/dialogs/image.js
In id:'cmbAlign' I changed the setup and the commid method so that it should add the class "alignleft" or "alignright" depending the situation but strangelly It does not work when I try to change the class (using removeClass or addClass, setAttribute('class') does not work too). The code is:
Does anybody have any idea or solution for it??
In id:'cmbAlign' I changed the setup and the commid method so that it should add the class "alignleft" or "alignright" depending the situation but strangelly It does not work when I try to change the class (using removeClass or addClass, setAttribute('class') does not work too). The code is:
id:'cmbAlign', type:'select', widths:['35%','65%'], style:'width:90px', label:b.lang.common.align, 'default':'', items:[[b.lang.common.notSet,'none'],[b.lang.common.alignLeft,'left'],[b.lang.common.alignRight,'right']], onChange:function(){ l(this.getDialog()); o.call(this,'advanced:txtdlgGenStyle'); }, setup:function(C,D){ if(C==d){ var E=(D.getAttribute('class')+'').match(/align([a-z]+)?/); if(E&&E[1])E = E[1];else E=''; this.setValue(E); } }, commit:function(C,D,E){ var F = (this.getValue()+''); if(C==d||C==f){ var G=(D.getAttribute('class')+'').match(/align([a-z]+)?/); if(G&&G[1]){ if(F!=G[1]){ D.removeClass('align'+G[1]); if(F!=='')D.setAttribute('rel',F); D.addClass('align'+F); } } else { if(F!=='')D.setAttribute('rel',F); D.addClass('align'+F); } } }
Does anybody have any idea or solution for it??