I am trying to use CKEditor to replace KTML in a bespoke CMS. I have installed the files on the server and added the editor to the relevant pages. However, there is a major problem with extraneous text entered by the editor into the editing textarea. I have used FCKEditor on other sites for years with no problems.
Specifically :
1. Starting from a blank textarea, if I look at 'Source' I see the following -
<div firebugversion="1.5.2" id="_firebugConsole" style="display: none;">
<br />
2. If I open a textarea which already contains information (from the database) the editor adds at the end -
This seems to happen everytime it is reopened so I end up with a string of these at the end.
3. There also seems to be something wrong with the list function. Clicking the 'unordered list' button inserts the <li> tags but with no containing <ul> tags.
4. I copied some HTML code from another page with a list enclosed in a div. Both the div and the <ul> tags have IDs which are referenced in some javascript. If I save and then reopen the page the div has disappeared.
These are the issues I have identified so far but are enough that CKEditor is unusable. I can't believe that so many major companies can be using it with similar problems so there must be a solution. I have posted previously in the forum (http://cksource.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=18752) but have had no response. Is this a bug or have I done something wrong?
Any advice appreciated.
Mike Davies
Mon, 05/17/2010 - 12:11
Re: Unwanted text entered automatically
The rest of those items seems to be something strange in your code. Look at the demo and the provided samples to check that that isn't the expected behavior.