I am currently using the following code to remove elements from the table editing dialog - they all work apart from the 'txtBorder' one - can anybody exaplin why?
I get the following error
I've had a look @ the table.js file and the border definition looks like everything else, has an idea so not sure why its not working.
Many thanks for any help on this!
CKEDITOR.on('dialogDefinition', function(ev) { var dialogName = ev.data.name; var dialogDefinition = ev.data.definition; if (dialogName == 'table' || dialogName == 'tableProperties') { var contents = dialogDefinition.getContents('info'); contents.remove('txtCellSpace'); contents.remove('txtCellPad'); contents.remove('txtCaption'); contents.remove('txtSummary'); contents.remove('txtBorder'); // Does not work } });
I get the following error
x is null m=n.replace(/%2/g,l).replace(/%1/g,'ck...){o.setValue(q);l.fire('dataReady'); ckeditor.js (line 69)
I've had a look @ the table.js file and the border definition looks like everything else, has an idea so not sure why its not working.
Many thanks for any help on this!