Using Selenium, we're trying to create a test where we enter text in an instance of FckEditor, save it and assert that the text was really saved. Unfortunately, we are unable to type into the FckEditor. Here's the code we have :
<iframe id="tpEmail_feEmailBody___Frame" src="FCKeditor/editor/fckeditor.html?InstanceName=tpEmail_feEmailBody&Toolbar=ThesisToolbar" width="100%" height="300px" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"></iframe>
Anyone has any idea on how to do this.
I'm looking forward to any answer.
Thank you
Olivier Dupuis
Using Selenium, we're trying to create a test where we enter text in an instance of FckEditor, save it and assert that the text was really saved. Unfortunately, we are unable to type into the FckEditor. Here's the code we have :
<iframe id="tpEmail_feEmailBody___Frame" src="FCKeditor/editor/fckeditor.html?InstanceName=tpEmail_feEmailBody&Toolbar=ThesisToolbar" width="100%" height="300px" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"></iframe>
Anyone has any idea on how to do this.
I'm looking forward to any answer.
Thank you
Olivier Dupuis
Re: Testing FckEditor with Selenium
I really need an answer to this issue as well, but I suppose this is an issue with Selenium and not with FCK editor.
Re: Testing FckEditor with Selenium
PHP Code:
Re: Testing FckEditor with Selenium
Hi Guys,
Hi Guys,
I'have tried with these commands:
focus | class=cke_show_borders
typeKeys | class=cke_show_borders | testing content
runScript | CKEDITOR.instances["editor1"].setData('testContent');
pause after that.
But I can't save and the text disappear.
On other forum I've read that many users have the same problem, can you please help me to find out where the problem is.