Hi, ckeditor is great but im having problems with it, im using it on a bespoke CMS i have written, when you create a page and enter text into ckeditor it is fine, but when you view the page you created there is an annoying
Can someone help me please? Thanks in anticipation.
<p> </p>added to the start of the output, if i remove it manually it goes but ckeditor seems to be adding it in by itself, i have trawled this forum and the net and cannot find anything to help, i did find the following code on another site to maybe try and i have but didnt solve the problem:
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(ev) { var tags = ['p', 'ol', 'ul', 'li', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4']; for (var key in tags) { ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.setRules(tags[key], { indent : false, breakBeforeOpen : false, breakAfterOpen : false, breakBeforeClose : false, breakAfterClose : true }); } });
Can someone help me please? Thanks in anticipation.
Re: Tags being added that are unwanted
Firstly i need to stop it making the <p> </p> at the beginning and why is it all being wrapped in a div? I need to get rid of that too, please someone help!!!!!!!