When i click on "Source", Ckeditor switches to the source code, which is good.
But when i click on "Source" again i get the message:
ckeditor.js:786 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'config' of undefined
ckeditor.js:786 TypeError: a is undefined
I use CKEditor 4, i even downloaded the newest one, removed all other javascripts from my page except jQuery and CKEditor but still the same error.
This is my CKEditor config file:
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
extraPlugins: 'autogrow,codemirror',
removePlugins: 'resize'
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(ev) { ev.editor.fire('contentDom'); });
Thanks for your help.
Anyone? I also disabled the
Anyone? I also disabled the extraplugins but no luck.
I had to replace:
I had to replace:
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(ev) { ev.editor.fire('contentDom'); });
startupFocus : true
I have the same problem, but
I have the same problem, but your fix doesn't help. It seems that somehow CodeMirror is not loading and in turn the plugin produces errors. I couldn't figure out so far what's going on :( only way around this seems to be to disable the CodeMirror plugin