Hello. I think what i have found the solution of zoom initial value representation problem. You do not need now to write "100%" 2 times. Here it is:
In file fck_config.js:
add this string:
"config.DefaultZoom = 1;" //1 means 100%
In file fck_editor.js:
add this string:
"objContent.DOM.body.runtimeStyle.zoom = config.DefaultZoom ;"
add it after this string:
"objContent.DOM. createStyleSheet(configEditorAreaCSS) ;"
In file fck_toolbaritems.js:
replace this string "TBI.prototype.Zoom = new TBCombo( "Zoom" , "doZoom(this)", "Zoom", "100%;50%;75%;100%;125%;150%;175%;200%", "100;50;75;100;125;150;175;200") ;"
with this: "TBI.prototype.Zoom = new TBCombo( "Zoom" , "doZoom(this)", "Zoom", "50%;75%;100%;125%;150%;175%;200%", "0.5;0.75;1;1.25;1.5;1.75;2", 'CheckZoom("cmbZoom")' ) ;"
In file fck_actions.js (in function doZoom):
replace this string "objContent.DOM.body.runtimeStyle.zoom = sizeCombo.value + "%"; "
with this "objContent.DOM.body.runtimeStyle.zoom = sizeCombo.value;"
In file fck_displaychange:
add "var oZoomCombo ;" at the beginning of file
add function CheckZoom: "function CheckZoom(comboName)
if (oZoomCombo == null) oZoomCombo = document.getElementById(comboName) ;
oZoomCombo.value = objContent.DOM.body.runtimeStyle.zoom ;
Sorry for my english:)
In file fck_config.js:
add this string:
"config.DefaultZoom = 1;" //1 means 100%
In file fck_editor.js:
add this string:
"objContent.DOM.body.runtimeStyle.zoom = config.DefaultZoom ;"
add it after this string:
"objContent.DOM. createStyleSheet(configEditorAreaCSS) ;"
In file fck_toolbaritems.js:
replace this string "TBI.prototype.Zoom = new TBCombo( "Zoom" , "doZoom(this)", "Zoom", "100%;50%;75%;100%;125%;150%;175%;200%", "100;50;75;100;125;150;175;200") ;"
with this: "TBI.prototype.Zoom = new TBCombo( "Zoom" , "doZoom(this)", "Zoom", "50%;75%;100%;125%;150%;175%;200%", "0.5;0.75;1;1.25;1.5;1.75;2", 'CheckZoom("cmbZoom")' ) ;"
In file fck_actions.js (in function doZoom):
replace this string "objContent.DOM.body.runtimeStyle.zoom = sizeCombo.value + "%"; "
with this "objContent.DOM.body.runtimeStyle.zoom = sizeCombo.value;"
In file fck_displaychange:
add "var oZoomCombo ;" at the beginning of file
add function CheckZoom: "function CheckZoom(comboName)
if (oZoomCombo == null) oZoomCombo = document.getElementById(comboName) ;
oZoomCombo.value = objContent.DOM.body.runtimeStyle.zoom ;
Sorry for my english:)