First of all, my problem is allready solved So, it's just FYI:
I've had som troubles on the demo page, because the 'Insert link' function didn't work as expexted in IE7 on Vista. Most of the time the link (eg. http://www.fckeditor.net) was inserted in the beginning of the text instead of around my selected text. So the source of the content would be:
<p><a href="http://www.fckeditor.net">www.fckeditor.net</a>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="http://www.fckeditor.net/">FCKeditor</a>.</p>
instead of:
<p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You <a href="http://www.fckeditor.net">are</a> using <a href="http://www.fckeditor.net/">FCKeditor</a>.</p>
as it should be. I only got this weird result if I was inserting an 'URL', not if it was Email link og some other link types...
Furthermore I got som strange DNS errors in the dialog windows (also in 'Insert link window), where the content if the iframe in the dialog was missing (i got a DNS error). If I hitted the F5 (reload), the dialog was shown right. But still the link was inserted in the beginning.
It worked perfectly on all other browsers, so I started troubleshooting IE, and somehow I tried to start IE with all plugins/add-ons disabled. And now suddenly it worked in IE also.
So I started to manuelly deactivate add-ons, and after some time I found out that the 'Skype add-on (mastermind)' plugin was screewing the editor up. I don't know why, but now it works for me again.
Just thought I would share my experience with you, guys
Best regards
Thu, 09/11/2008 - 13:04