I'm having a strange layout problem in Internet Explorer 6, with the dialogs of fckeditor 2.6.2 - i believe, since the new mechanism was introduced. Unfortunately, I can't reproduce on the demo nor on the samples, so it's most likely something with our integration.
Here's a screenshot, and our report:
http://jira.magnolia-cms.com/secure/att ... ture+4.png
This link should also open a page with fckeditor and show the issue (although it doesn't seem to work all the time with IE)
http://superuser:superuser@demoauthor.m ... 4871789945
(if not, you can also try from http://demoauthor.magnolia.info/help.html (login as superuser:superuser) and click on of the edit buttons on that page)
So far, the only thing I'd suspect is a conflict between the rendering mode used by the browser, but I'm pretty much clueless. Our custom stylesheet for the editor is fairly simple, and removing the margin/padding or other size-related settings from there did not help. Does any one have any other clue ?
Thanks for any tip !
edit: note that it's absolutely fine with IE7, firefox, safari, ...
Fri, 10/24/2008 - 20:17
Re: Size/layout issue with dialogs in IE6
Ok, this was simply because our skin did not have a copy of the fck_dialog_ie6.js file.
For the record, I logged an improvement at: https://dev.fckeditor.net/ticket/2625 - it would be nice if this file needn't be duplicated for each and every skin.