I finally found the code in FileBrowserConnector.cs that indicates that the path is set in the web.config file (not mentioned anywhere else that I could see).
I've specified the path and put the folder in the fckeditor folder, the web project folder, created a virtual directory for the path, all to no avail.
So what's the secret?
Also, the upload button just says 'upload in progress' and never finishes.
If someone answers and it works, I promise to write a how-to for using FCKeditor with asp.net and send it in!
Even the server side integration page was no help as it describes WRITING a server component, not using the supplied aspx component.
I've specified the path and put the folder in the fckeditor folder, the web project folder, created a virtual directory for the path, all to no avail.
So what's the secret?
Also, the upload button just says 'upload in progress' and never finishes.
If someone answers and it works, I promise to write a how-to for using FCKeditor with asp.net and send it in!
Even the server side integration page was no help as it describes WRITING a server component, not using the supplied aspx component.
RE: Setting the browse/upload path, answer is
Create Virtual Directory named '"UserFiles"
Point it to some directory on your system.
Give ASPNET user Read/Write/List permissions to the directory.
In THIS directory, create subdirectories for: Image, File, Flash, Media and put your files there. The aspx connector component will create the subdirectories when you select the resource type in the file browser if they don't already exist.
Now to figure out why the web.config setting is not being used....