Sorry if this is a repeat question. I searched everywhere, but I may be using bad keywords. My problem is that whenever I edit source in ckEditor, the source code gets moved around. For instance:
<h1>Title<div class="hr"> </div></h1>
<h1>Title</h1><div class="hr"> </div>
Is there a special config parameter that could prevent this? Any hints would be highly appreciated. Here's what I have right now (note that I tried it without these paremeters and it just gets worse):
config.extraPlugins = 'autosave';
config.autoGrow_onStartup = true;
config.autoGrow_minHeight = 50;
config.removePlugins = 'elementspath';
config.resize_enabled = false;
config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
config.forcePasteAsPlainText = false;
config.basicEntities = true;
config.entities = true;
config.entities_latin = false;
config.entities_greek = false;
config.entities_processNumerical = false;
config.fillEmptyBlocks = function (element) { return true; };
config.allowedContent = true;