Hi ,
I am trying to Save to DB , but the problem is that I am getting some variations in the data .
For example a data like 'Nishant' , is saved using :
content_to_submit += form_element.name + '=' + CKEDITOR.instances[form_element.name].getData() + '&';
I find that while retreiving this data becomes :
['Nishant', '']
Worse this is a exponential problem , i.e next time I see , 2^n data , meaning 5-10 times and the content is just too long
I am trying to Save to DB , but the problem is that I am getting some variations in the data .
For example a data like 'Nishant' , is saved using :
content_to_submit += form_element.name + '=' + CKEDITOR.instances[form_element.name].getData() + '&';
I find that while retreiving this data becomes :
['Nishant', '']
Worse this is a exponential problem , i.e next time I see , 2^n data , meaning 5-10 times and the content is just too long