I'm using modx as a CMS, which it seems uses fck & the MCPUK file browser. I have a problem, and the modx-community seems not to know the solution. So I thought I'll try my luck here.
Can someone have a look into the attached jpeg-file? It's created by the MCPUK connector.php. Something's wrong with it, but I don't know what. Firefox & IE do not show the file (FF says it contains errors), neither does Windows. Irfanview is however able to display it.
Even this forum doesn't like the image, it says: "It was not possible to determine the dimensions of the image." - so I'm zipping it.
Somebody knows what the problem is?
thanks in advance!
edit: SOLVED: some included config-file contained a UTF-8 Byte-Order-Mark (BOM), which was subsequently passed all through to the output (the image priview). The preview-file then also started with the 3 extra bytes of BOM, leading to a broken image.
After removing the BOM from the config.php-file (by changing the encoding from "UTF-8 with signature" to "UTF-8 without signature"), the problem was solved.