Hello there!
I'm using FCKeditor 2.6.3 and when I insert a big text into the DB, it's cut and only a small part of it is stored.
My database is Mysql 5 and the field that stores the texts is set as TEXT. The said text has 51817 characters, so it should be ok, since the limit for the TEXT type is more than 65000 chars. Am I right?
I don't know what is happening. Would it be FCKeditor snipping the text?
I've just realised what the problem is: The said text is being copied from Word, so, I guess all its formatting is also being copied, yeah? Thus, it's reaching the character limit of Mysql in just a 10/1 of the text. I thought of using notepad to get rid of the formmating, but this is not an option because the text has a few tables and photos. Any other work around?
Thank you in advance,
Solved! I've just changed the type data from TEXT to LONGTEXT.
Call me n00b if you want.
Mon, 04/06/2009 - 18:42
Re: (SOLVED) Character limit?
the same question as last user. my "mysql" type already set longtext, i can set the character about 5000 in the mysql from phpmyadmin. but it can't set the same from the fckeditor. anybody can help me ,please.
My email: bbfcomcn@163.com