I've just started using ckeditor but I'm having a major issue. I downloaded the full package and placed it on my site's directory and followed the instructions for a quick start. But for some reason whatever method I use, what happens is my textarea's visibility property gets turned to hidden and if I manually change it it pops up but simply as a normla textarea with no ckeditor tools. I've tried with the other pakckages, I've double checked the paths to ckeditor.js over and over again but the same keeps happening.
When I tried donwloading the custom ckeditor option, that one would only show the borders of the ckeditor only with no tools or such, like this:
Only thing that works is instead of the local path, using the CKEditor CDN, but I can't leave those textareas dependant on an outside link like that.
Any ideas on what's causing this issue and how to solve it? I need it to be local.