I'm using the standard theme with CKEditor 3.x. I've been searching for a while but I can't find how to remove the border completely. Basically I just want an invisible editor with no padding, margin or borders, since I'm containing the editor myself within my generated elements.
The first picture is before editing, the second picture is when editing is enabled. However, I'd like them both to look as in the first picture, even when editing. So how can I get rid of the borders, padding and margin etc? Also, I'm very fresh at using CKEditor so try not to use to advanced language if you could.
var config = { sharedSpaces : { top : 'shared_top', bottom : 'shared_bot' }, removePlugins : 'elementspath', width: divWidth, height: divHeight, filebrowserImageUploadUrl: '/upload/image/', filebrowserImageBrowseUrl: '/browse/image/' }; editor = CKEDITOR.appendTo( sid, config, html );