I'm creating a site about martial arts, I'm good with programming/dealing code for websites, but sometimes my sensei would like to change details on some pages before launching the site.
Currently, I have fckeditor on my server cailling submitted data using:
$sValue = stripslashes( $_POST['instructorE'] ) ;
echo $sValue;
I like this way, since my sensei is able to view the actual output the way he likes. But, I was wondering....
if there's anyway to load what's already submitted and do little changes as opposed to just typing the entire content again. Just in case sensei wants to change tiny errors without the hassle to retyping everything.
Also, since I reload the page the submission doesn't display anymore.. it seems it only displays it when posted. Is there a way to have it view all the time just for review purposes? I'm planning to have it on every page with different instances, ie: lineageE, lineageJ, instructorJ..etc.
I'm creating a site about martial arts, I'm good with programming/dealing code for websites, but sometimes my sensei would like to change details on some pages before launching the site.
Currently, I have fckeditor on my server cailling submitted data using:
$sValue = stripslashes( $_POST['instructorE'] ) ;
echo $sValue;
I like this way, since my sensei is able to view the actual output the way he likes. But, I was wondering....
if there's anyway to load what's already submitted and do little changes as opposed to just typing the entire content again. Just in case sensei wants to change tiny errors without the hassle to retyping everything.
Also, since I reload the page the submission doesn't display anymore.. it seems it only displays it when posted. Is there a way to have it view all the time just for review purposes? I'm planning to have it on every page with different instances, ie: lineageE, lineageJ, instructorJ..etc.