I Have website with 2 languages: Lithuanian and English ("lt" and "en")
The links are like this: http://www.mydomain.com/lt/apie_mus.html and in english -> http://www.mydomain.com/en/about_us.html
When I create the anchor, its link is like <a href="#about-us" >
But in my case, the link should be <a href="en/about_us.html/#about-us" >
I found the file fck_link.js and the line the is creating anchor link:
sUri = '#' + sAnchor ;
Re: Please help with Anchor link!
Re: Please help with Anchor link!
What happens if you try this:
sUri = '/about_us.html/#' + sAnchor ;
Maybe this page can help you further http://www.netlobo.com/url_query_string_javascript.html