I'm using FCKeditor 2.6.3 and aspx connector to upload files. strangly enough everything works perfectly on my development machine, but there's 1 issue when I deploy it on the live server. when I go to image properties, click 'Upload' tab and try to upload an image, I get JS error:
Error: Permission denied to get property Window.OnUploadCompleted
Source File: http://***/fckeditor/editor/filemanager ... Type=Image
Line: 1
if I try to uplaod an image using 'Image Info' tab, everythihng works fine. could someone explain me what I did wrong? thanks in advance.
Tue, 10/14/2008 - 18:47
Re: Permission denied to get property Window.OnUploadCompleted
i looked at patch 2115 but it did not contain anything for the aspx connector. i saw another Ticket #2587 (new Bug) that refers to this problem with IE7 but i can confirm it with IE7 and firefox3
stupidest thing tho, everything works perfectly in my dev environment with the cassinni webdev.webserver.exe.
thanks in advance for any help, and all the hard work done on this awesome editor.
oh yea, i',m using fckeditor_2.6.3 with fckeditor.net_2.6.3
Re: Permission denied to get property Window.OnUploadCompleted
I am having the same problem.
I am using the fckeditor_2.6.3 with fckeditor.net_2.6.3
After reading a previous post I discovered
it all works fine if I go to http://.....com but it doesn't work if I go to http://www......com
Have you managed to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance
Re: Permission denied to get property Window.OnUploadCompleted
When I remove the www from the address then the image upload dialog works just fine.
I'm using IE7.
Same thing happens in FireFox. Here is the error FireFox displayed: uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property Window.OnUploadCompleted. But the image did upload. It doesn't matter if there is a www or not, it is not working in FireFox.
How do we fix this??
Re: Permission denied to get property Window.OnUploadCompleted
I FIXED IT. At least I think so....it seems to work on my dev and on Windows Server 2003. I made a new post on how I did it. Here is the link: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=12112. Try it out. Hope this helps.